File Sharing System

Built a File Sharing System using Java EE for a File Share hosting Company. The underlying framework mimic the hadoop HDFS framework. The files were broken into chunks and were distributed across different CDNs which is controlled by a MS. The MS themselves are distributed in the network. The client was written in JavaFx. The MS was deployed in Glassfish servers. The CDNs are simple Java Servers. The communication between MS and CDN were through a JMS Server (ActiveMQ). A client plugin was built for JDownloader also. [Environment: Java EE, Glassfish, JMS, ActiveMQ, Eclipse, IntelliJ] ...
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Company Intranet Portal

Built a intranet portal using Sharepoint for a Senior Living Company. Customized the Enterprise Search feature by extending the Core Search Result webpart for showing the context menu on the search result. Customized the Refinement Panel to show multi values filters properly using custom webpart. Configured publishing workflow to restrict announcements with curse words Integrated SSRS reports into sharepoint and applied security to it. [Environment: Share Point, AD, Central Administration, SSRS, ASP .NET, C#] ...
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Mobile Application for Auditors

Built a mobile application for an Environment Consulting & Auditing Firm. This application is used by Environment Auditors for their inspection at the field. The Auditors can create a new Audit or sync one with the server. Pictures can be attached to an Audit. Once an Audit is complete on the handheld, it can be synced with the server for processing. [Environment: Windows Mobile, .NET CE Framework, Point Sync Server, Sybase, Active Sync, ultraLite DB, SQL Server] ...
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Java Mail

This document describes the usage of JavaMail API, It also describes the usage of property/xml file to set the JavaMail API's environment variables. The JavaMail API is designed for sending and receiving emails. It includes the following classes, which encapsulate common mail functions and protocols. (more…)...
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